xHarbour.com - Home
xHarbour is a free multi-platform extended Clipper compiler, offering multiple graphic terminals (GTs), including console drivers, GUIs, and hybrid console/GUIs. xHarbour is backward-compatible with Clipper and supports many language syntax extensions, greatly extended run-time libraries, and extensive third party support.
xHarbour is a practically 100% backwards compatible Clipper Language compiler and preprocessor. Find detailed information in the product section. Visit also the third party product list, the applications section and this list of other xHarbour related useful links .
GitHub - xHarbour-org/xharbour: xHarbour is a portable …
xHarbour is a portable implementation of the Clipper/xBase language (Compiler & complete Run-time libraries). It's practically 100% backward compatible with CA-Clipper 5.2e and 5.3c, and offers many modern language extensions, and extensive Run-time libraries.
xHarbour - xHarbour.com
2005年3月17日 · xHarbour is a free multi-platform extended Clipper compiler, offering multiple graphic terminals (GTs), including console drivers, GUIs, and hybrid console/GUIs. xHarbour is backward-compatible with Clipper and supports many language syntax extensions, greatly extended run-time libraries, and extensive third party support.
xHarbour Extended Harbour Compiler - SourceForge
2023年4月9日 · xHarbour is a portable implementation of the Clipper/xBase language (Compiler & complete Run-time libraries). It's practically 100% backward compatible with CA-Clipper 5.2e and 5.3c, and offers many modern language extensions, and extensive Run-time libraries.
Visual xHarbour - xHarbour.com
Visual xHarbour is an easy to use Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool for Windows. The power of VXH lies in its simplicity. But don't be fooled, underneath this simplicity you'll find the powerful xHarbour engine going at it at full throttle providing you with the speed and accuracy you need for your applications.
Select your operating system, download, install and start coding in the popular xHarbour Clipper Language. Windows | Linux | DOS | OS2 | OSX Installation Instructions
xharbour/README.md at main · xHarbour-org/xharbour - GitHub
xHarbour is a portable implementation of the Clipper/xBase language (Compiler & complete Run-time libraries). It's practically 100% backward compatible with CA-Clipper 5.2e and 5.3c, and offers many modern language extensions, and extensive Run-time libraries.
2025年1月19日 · The complete runtime libraries of xHarbour are subject to a License Exception to the GPL, which allows you to produce commercial applications. Please refere to the downloaded files for further informations.
All sources of xHarbour.com released - Google Groups
2023年8月18日 · We now have two xHarbour repositories which is official SVN's xHarbour or Ron Pinkas' xHarbour on GitHub? As clearly posted on that "official SVN" you can see the following Button: As of...
xHarbour-org - GitHub
xHarbour is a portable implementation of the Clipper/xBase language (Compiler & complete Run-time libraries). It's practically 100% backward compatible with CA-Clipper 5.2e and 5.3c, and offers many modern language extensions, and extensive Run-time libraries.
Download free demo - xHarbour.com
See how fast and easy it is to build professional build applications with xHarbour Builder! This free demo is fully functional and is only restriction by a "Demo" message that appears when the build application is run. Click on "Register & download" to start …
Get an overview of the different xHarbour Subsystems from a developers point of view. You will locate later the subsystems as folders in the source code. An fundamental part of an Open Source Project is the programming language it uses. Review the informations about the used languages and supported compilers.
xHarbour's Language Reference Guide
As xHarbour's language is based on the Clipper programming language, we started with documenting xHarbour's core Clipper language compatible topics. All of the documented Clipper language topics are written from scratch. None of it is taken or …
Releases · xHarbour-org/xharbour - GitHub
xHarbour is a portable implementation of the Clipper/xBase language (Compiler & complete Run-time libraries). It's practically 100% backward compatible with CA-Clipper 5.2e and 5.3c, and offers many modern language extensions, and extensive Run-time libraries.
xHarbour (extended Harbour) was started by Ron Pinkas late 2001 as a fork off of the Harbour Project in which he was one of the leading developers. xHarbour was established to provide a more aggressive alternative to the conservative style of development in the Harbour Project.
Find below the links to the latest source code of xHarbour, which is common for all operating systems. The source code for xHarbour core compiler and contributions. For a more detailed description of these contributions, please follow this link. xHarbour is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.
Personal edition - xharbour.com
xHarbour Builder Personal is the cheapest way to start learning programming business applications for Windows. All your build applications are royalty free and ready to deploy. No extra DLL's or ActiveX components. You can always upgrade to the Professional or Enterprise edition with just paying the difference in price.
xHarbour is a fork from Harbour created December 2001. It aims to follow a more aggressive development path, and be more responsive to market trends, and users input. As it stands at this point, xHarbour offers many Syntax extensions over …
Support - xHarbour.com
You will have unlimited access 24/7 to xHarbour.com's private newsgroups. This newsgroup is the fastest way to the answers of all your questions regarding xHarbour Builder and its add-ons. The Update and Service Subscription guarantees you with first grade professional support from the creators of xHarbour. Support on xHarbour Builder and its ...