Parallel coordinates - Wikipedia
The value of parallel coordinates is that certain geometrical properties in high dimensions transform into easily seen 2D patterns. For example, a set of points on a line in n-space …
Parallel Coordinates Plot - Learn about this chart and tools
In a Parallel Coordinates Plot, each variable is given an axis and all the axes are placed parallel to each other. Each axis can have a different scale, as each variable works off a different unit of …
Parallel Coordinates in Matplotlib - GeeksforGeeks
2023年12月29日 · It generates example data with a linear relationship, creates a parallel coordinates plot with ‘X-axis’ and ‘Y-axis’ dimensions, adds a scatter plot for data points, and …
Parallel coordinates plot in Python
Detailed examples of Parallel Coordinates Plot including changing color, size, log axes, and more in Python.
Parallel coordinates plot – from Data to Viz
An extensive description of Parallel coordinates plot. Definition, examples, input data, common caveats, tool to build it and potential alternatives.
Parallel Coordinates chart | the D3 Graph Gallery
How to build Parallel Coordinates chart with Javascript and D3.js: from the most basic example to highly customized examples.
What is a Parallel Coordinate Plot? - Jaspersoft
A Parallel Coordinate Plot is graphical method where each observation or data point is depicted as a line traversing a series of parallel axes, corresponding to a specific variable or dimension.
Parallel Coordinates Plots. Why & How: Storytelling with Parallels …
2020年7月27日 · WHY: A Parallel Coordinates Plot (PCP) is a visualization technique used to analyze multivariate numerical data. It allows data analysts to compare many quantitative …
Parallel Coordinates - eagereyes.org
2010年5月13日 · Parallel coordinates are a very versatile and useful technique for finding structures in moderately-sized datasets. With a bit of experience, it is possible to very quickly …
Parallel coordinates - Highcharts
Parallel coordinates. In cartesian charting, it is easy to show the relations between two or three dimensions.