Keel - Wikipedia
The keel is the bottom-most longitudinal structural element of a watercraft. On some sailboats, it may have a hydrodynamic and counterbalancing purpose as well. The laying of the keel is …
Keel (band) - Wikipedia
Keel is an American hard rock/heavy metal band formed in Los Angeles in 1984. [1] They are best known for their rock anthem "The Right to Rock". The band was active until 1989, with a brief …
Keel laying - Wikipedia
Keel laying is one of the four specially celebrated events in a ship's life; the others are launching, commissioning, and decommissioning. Earlier, the event recognized as the keel laying was the …
Keel (disambiguation) - Wikipedia
A keel is the central beam of the hull of a boat. Keel may also refer to:
Keelboat - Wikipedia
A keel was a unit used to measure coal in the northeast of England, being the quantity of coal carried by a keelboat on the Tyne and Wear rivers. In 1750 it was said to be equal to 8 …
Boat keel - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In non-sailing boats, the keel helps the hull to move forward, rather than slipping to the side. In traditional boat building, this is provided by the keel, which comes out from the bottom of the hull.
Keel – Wikipédia
A Keel 1984-ben, Los Angelesben alakult amerikai hard rock/heavy metal együttes. Névadó frontembere Ron Keel . Legismertebb daluk a "The Right to Rock" című rockhimnusz az …
Keel (album) - Wikipedia
Keel is the fourth album by the American rock band Keel, released in June 1987. This was the last album to feature guitarists Marc Ferrari and Bryan Jay, as they left the band a year later …
キール (バンド) - Wikipedia
キール (Keel)は、 アメリカ合衆国 の ヘヴィメタル ・ バンド である。 イングヴェイ・マルムスティーン やマーク・エドワーズ [1] が在籍したスティーラー(Steeler)の解散後、その …
Keël - Wikipedia
'n Keël is 'n driedimensionele geometriese vorm wat deur twee parameters beskryf word. Dit kan vergelyk word met die vorm van 'n (afgeslote) heksehoed. Indien die straal van die …