Kelvin - Wikipedia
The kelvin (symbol: K) is the base unit for temperature in the International System of Units (SI).
Kelvin - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kelvin scale (symbol: K) is the SI unit of temperature. It is named in honour of the physicist William Thomson, the first Lord Kelvin (1824–1907). The Kelvin scale is defined by a specific …
Kelvin (K) | Definition & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月1日 · Kelvin, base unit of thermodynamic temperature measurement in the International System of Units (SI). It is the fundamental unit of the Kelvin scale and has as its zero point …
Kelvin (disambiguation) - Wikipedia
kelvin (symbol: K) is the SI base unit of temperature. Cyclone Kelvin, a cyclone in 2018 that hit Australia.
Kelvin: Introduction | NIST
2018年5月14日 · The kelvin (K) — the SI unit of temperature — now has a radically new definition. In daily life, the Kelvin temperature scale — named for the celebrated British …
Kelvin (unit) - Wikipedia
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Kelvin — Википедија - sr.wikipedia.org
Kelvin je osnovna jedinica u SI za temperaturu, koja se skraćeno označava sa K. [1] Raspon od jednog kelvina je jednak jednom stepenu celzijusa (°C). Kelvin je sada definisan fiksiranjem …
Kelvin - Energy Education
Kelvin is the SI base unit of temperature. It is given the symbol [math]K[/math] . Since temperature measures the energy of atoms and molecules, a true temperature scale must be a positive …
Kelvin: History | NIST
2018年5月14日 · The kelvin is the fundamental unit of temperature. But it came at the end of a journey that began long before thermometers even existed. The earliest attempts at gauging …
KELVIN Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of KELVIN is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units that is defined by setting the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann constant to be 1.380649 x …