Matura - Wikipedia
Matura (Serbian: državna matura) is an obligatory exam at the end of primary school and high school. The exam taken at the end of primary school is called Mala Matura (Minor) while the one at the end of high school is called Velika Državna Matura (Major).
Maturazeugnis - Wikipedia
The Maturazeugnis, also known simply as the Matura, is the secondary school leaving qualification in Austria. [1] It is a school leaving certificate documenting the grades earned from the Reifeprüfung examinations.
Matura – Wikipedia
Die Matura oder Maturität ist die Reifeprüfung nach einer höheren Schulausbildung oder einer externistisch abgelegten Reifeprüfung. Zugleich bezeichnet sie den damit erworbenen Schulabschluss. Verwendet wird die Bezeichnung Matura in Österreich, Matura bzw. Maturität in Liechtenstein, in der Schweiz und Südtirol. Entsprechungen in ...
Mustapha Matura - Wikipedia
Mustapha Matura (17 December 1939 – 29 October 2019) [1] [2] was a Trinidadian playwright living in London. Characterised by critic Michael Billington as "a pioneering black playwright who opened the doors for his successors", Matura was the first British-based dramatist of colour to have a play in London's West End , with Play Mas in 1974. [ 3 ]
Matura - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Matura je skupek izpitov, ki predstavlja zaključek izobraževanja v srednjih šolah. V Sloveniji se matura deli na: splošno maturo, ki je pogoj za nadaljevanje študija na univerzitetnih programih. Opravljajo jo dijaki gimnazij in maturitetnega tečaja. Obsega pet predmetov: slovenščina, matematika in tuji jezik ter dva izbirna predmeta.
Matura (surname) - Wikipedia
Matura is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: Jan Matura (born 1980), Czech Nordic skier; Mihály Matura (1900–1975), Hungarian wrestler; Mustapha Matura (1939–2019), Trinidadian playwright
matura - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年1月31日 · matura (plural maturas) A final exam that young adults (aged 18 or 19) take at the end of their secondary education in certain European countries.
Matura - Wikipedia
Matura është provimi i cili duhet dhënë pas vijimit të një shkolle më të lartë se ajo fillore, zakonisht kjo varet nga sistemi shkollorë në të cilën vijohet shkollimi. Në shumicën e sistemeve shkollore të shteteve Evropiane provimi i maturisë pason pas nëntë viteve ndjeke me …
Matura – Wikipedija/Википедија
Matura (lat. maturus: zreo) ili ispit zrelosti u nekim školskim sistemima polaže se na kraju srednje škole. Nekada se u krajevima gdje se govori srpskohrvatski razlikovala velika matura, kao ispit zrelosti nakon završene srednje škole, i mala matura nakon završene niže srednje škole (odn. osmoljetke). Matura se nazivala i viši tečajni ...
Matura - Wikipedia
Unang Panid; Tubaan; Mga bag-ong giusab; Bisan unsang panid; Tabang; Mga donasyon