Road - Wikipedia
A road is a thoroughfare for the conveyance of traffic that mostly has an improved surface for use by vehicles (motorized and non-motorized) and pedestrians. Unlike streets, whose primary function is to serve as public spaces, the main function of roads is transportation.
道路 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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Types of road - Wikipedia
A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places that has been surfaced or otherwise improved to allow travel by foot or some form of conveyance, including a motor vehicle, cart, bicycle, or horse.
Road hierarchy - Wikipedia
The road hierarchy organizes roads according to their functions and capacities. While sources differ on the exact nomenclature, the basic hierarchy comprises freeways, arterials, collectors, and local roads. Generally, the functional hierarchy can more or less correspond to the hierarchy of roads by their owner or administrator.
Geometric design of roads - Wikipedia
The profile of a road consists of road slopes, called grades, connected by parabolic vertical curves. Vertical curves are used to provide a gradual change from one road slope to another, so that vehicles may smoothly navigate grade changes as they travel.
香港道路 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港道路網絡是全世界上道路交通密度較高的地區之一 [註 1] ,覆蓋了全港十八區,使駕駛者能輕易到達目的地。 根據地政總署的記錄,已刊憲命名、年代太久遠而沒有刊憲命名的公共街道,再加上沒有刊憲命名的私家街道,香港共有逾四千條街道 [1] 。 根據香港政府 路政署2020年6月統 …
Roads in India - Wikipedia
On July 21, 2021, the Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari said that India has created a world record of constructing 2.5 kilometres (1.6 mi) of four-lane concrete road in 24 hours and 26 kilometres (16 mi) of single lane bitumen road in just 21 hours as per the highest IRC norms and specifications of the MoRTH to ensure ...
Road traffic safety - Wikipedia
Road traffic safety refers to the methods and measures, such as traffic calming, to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. Typical road users include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, passengers of vehicles, and passengers of …
Road - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A road is a piece of land which connects two or more places. Usually, a road has been made easy to travel on. For example, by removing trees and stones so the ground is more level .
彌敦道 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
彌敦道(英語: Nathan Road )位於香港 九龍,連接旺角與尖沙咀兩大主要商業區,為香港最著名的道路之一,也是九龍的第一條道路 [1] ,以第13任港督 彌敦爵士命名。