X-Ray Diffractometers | World Leading Instruments
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Models: Empryean, Empryean Nano Edition, X'Pert³ MRD, X'Pert³ MRD XL, …X-Ray Crystallography Service | X-Ray Crystallography Lab
赞助Helix’s X-Ray crystallography expertise provides 3-D structures for a variety of targets. Expertise encompassing Kinases, GPCRs, DNA, Phosphatases, Peptidases, Nuclear receptors +High Quality Data · World Class Team · World Class Lab
Handheld XRF Spectrometer | Bruker Nano Analytics
赞助Whatever industry you are in, Bruker XRF Guns provide solutions for your Analysis Needs. Take the Lab to the Sample: Perform On-Site Element Analysis within Seconds!Types: Elemental Analyzers, Micro-XRF Spectrometers, TXRF Spectrometers