IHCPlus™ TRAF2 Antibody - Mouse Monoclonal anti Human
赞助IHCPlus™ TRAF2 Antibody LS-B2087 Mouse Monoclonal Human TRAF2. Pathologist Validated in IHC. Tested on 20 FFPE Tissues.Technical Support · Quick Order · Featured Products
Types: Antibodies, ELISA Kits, Proteins, AssaysTRAF2 antibody (F-2) SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
赞助Available as HRP, FITC, PE, Agarose and multiple (6) AlexaFluor® conjugates. Cited in 13 Publications.Types: Primary Antibodies, Biochemicals for Research, CRISPR Gene Editing4.5/5 (314 条评论)
TRAF2: Abcam together - Abcam: TRAF2 analysis - TRAF2 tools
赞助Explore Abcam's wide range of kits, assays and reagents. Assays, cells, antibodies & more to further your research. See how far we can go together.网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名