Gaahl 的热门建议 |
- Gaahl
Gorgoroth - Norwegian
Metal - Thunderclap
- God
Seed - Metal
Mayhem - Gaahl
Songs - Sign of an Open
Eye - Havoc Metal
Band - Seafarer
Hella - Gorgoroth
Band - Gaahls
Wyrd - Emperor
Metal - Venom Metal
Punk - Norwegian Heavy
Metal - SNL Ginni
Thomas - Scandinavian
Metal - Varg Vikernes
Euronymous - Near-Death
Metals - Gorgoroth
Live - Doug Bradley
Cradle of Filth - Classic Thrash
Metal - Carving
a Giant - The Pest
1997 - Mayhem
History - Go Go Power Rangers
Metal - Heavy Metal
Satan - Walter Hartwell
White - Music
Wyrd - Metal