Addgene 的热门建议 |
- Viral Cloning
Vector - Construction
of a Plasmid - Overlap Extension
PCR - Gene
Cloning - Bidirectional
Replication - What Is
Agrobacterium - Bacterial
Colonies - E. Coli Mini
-Prep - Plasmid
Library - Forward and Reverse
Primers - DNA Replication
Fork - Loopamp DNA Amplification
Kit - Plasmid DNA in
Gene Therapy - Integrated DNA Technologies
Coralville - Replication
Bubble - Polymerase
Chain - Electrophoresis
Test - How to Engineer
a Plasmid - DNA Fiber
Assay - Gene Mapping
Bacterial - Gene Runner Primer
Design - Overlapping Extension
PCR - Primer Designing
NCBI - How to Make Antibacterial
Soap - Single-Stranded Binding
Protein Function - Oligonucleotide
Probe - Glycerol Stocks
Make - Oligo
Analysis - Golden Gate
Assembly - Actual DNA