IPTG 的热门建议 |
Induction - Stock
Solution - Protein
Expression - Blue White
Selection - Gene
Regulation - Lac Operon Animation
Made Easy - Induction
Test - Operon
Model - Recombinant
Protein - T7
Promoter - What Is Lac
Operon - Lac Operon
Regulation - Lac Operon Genetics
Animations - Lac
Operator - Lac and TRP
Operons - Lac Operon
Concept - Yeast
Vectors - Operon
Lactose - McGraw-Hill Protein
Synthesis - Hexokinase
Method - Camp Lac
Operon - Protein
Techniques - In Vitro
Translation - Process of Lac
Operon - Lac Operon
Mutations - Protein Expression
Profiling - Lac Operon
Structure - Expression
Systems - Plasmid
Preparation - DNA